Bentonville Regional Aritport...really a small airport.

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Machine Elephant....

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Show me the zombie...............................

lrq20501 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣() poster.


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3/13才結束的台中電腦資訊展 - 因為上次去是好些年前的事了…只記得好像不如何。

這次去……還是一樣不如何…只能說真是太遜了,就是一堆電腦商家在擺攤子而已,無聊之極……花了一百元(如果沒去7-Eleven拿折價卷的話,還要NT 150咧) --- 結果去繞了一圈,二個小小小的館,大概二十分鐘就走了出來了…sigh…雖然事前沒什麼太大的期待,但是也太差啦。難怪之前有人說台北的就不怎樣了,台中的就更差啦…

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Dance dance some dancercises!!!! Dance the night away...^_____^

Shout - Mricky And Danieli - 這首舞曲還挺好聽的耶…具有抒情/動感兼具,難得的好舞曲。


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This CK ring is lovely. I'd like to get one. But it's for Spring 2005...just can not find where to buy it.

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Haha... a funny image from the Next Magazine. I always expect for this column every week...the satire illustration is damn good!!!!

But, A-Bian keeps cheating Bush Jr. Poor Bush, I think he has no chance to get even with A-Bian. After all, he is SOB, right? In every aspect, Bush can not do anything to punish A-Bian directly.'s pathetic to have a president like A-bian.

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Sports Illustrator - Swimsuit- 2006 Official Site

The new face in SI - Maria Shavapora

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"Underworld -Evolution" will be on screen in tw this week. Look forward to this film for a long time since it was on in US.

Marcus is back from his deep long sleep. Yeah...Marcus is a cool character. The origin of all vampires, the first true vampire - he can play really tricks - he can turn into a monster bat vampire...WOW, I have to say I reall expect to see Marcus kick Selene's ass, and beat her up...haha, but finally, the good beats the evil.

Kate Beckinsale is gorgeous.

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Oscar 獎今年在台灣似乎宣傳做得特多,原因無他,只因為有出身台灣的李安 - 以Brokeback Mountain成為Oscar獎的大熱門 - 似乎一時之間,所有台灣媒體都與有榮焉,爭相報導李安的生平故事 - 其實早在李安得Golden Globe時就已經開始了…李安旋風繼後又再一次的興起,

Brokeback Mountain不負眾望,總共拿下了三項獎項:

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Watched movie "Boogeyman" today...this film is not so good...but...hei, still be fine by just killing time.

But, what's "Boogeyman", I think it's some kind of fairy tale in Ameria.

Here are some info. I found from the internet.

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VISUAL EFFECTS搞得還不錯啊,雖然仲間由紀惠的演技還是沒啥長進,但整體來說,還搞得不錯的一部電影。

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